growing up mastbrook

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sick kiddos

So both boys are sick now. Nicholas is struggling through a typical weather changing cold. He had a hard night on Friday and I'm thinking maybe his throat was just really sore as that's what happens to me when I first come down with a cold. Now he just has a very runny nose and a cough. Alex is still struggling with fevers. he had yet another fever this morning when he woke up and he refused to nurse or eat solids the first few hours up. he finally did nurse, but I still have to say I'm a bit worried about him. I gave him motrin but his fever hasn't dropped yet and he's only nursed about 3 times today and hasn't touched any solids. :( He's also been sleeping pretty much all day. We have his 9 month well visit appt. tomorrow so hopefully we'll find out more then. I just feel so bad for him and a little anxious as well as we still don't know what's causing all this. Hopefully we'll get more answers soon. In the meantime I just hope he starts feeling better soon. Scott had his first official offer come in yesterday and we're hoping to get a few more job offers in the next couple weeks. Hopefully we'll be able to finish this process up before christmas, but if not, he will still have about 6 weeks of paid time to continue the search after the holidays. We're looking forward to Thanksgiving next week - hopefully everyone will be healthy by then! :)


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