growing up mastbrook

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween, sick kiddos, and other adventures in motherhood

Well, halloween was last night and Nicholas had a blast trick or treating. It was actually brisk last night and I had to layer his costume, but I loved it! He really brought home a big stash of candy which he will definately be sharing with mom and dad. Today we're pretty much in recovery mode. Poor Alex isn't feeling well. He's been a bit off for the past week, but the past two days he's been really unhappy. I may seen if I can get him in to see a doctor today just to make sure it's nothing too serious. Nothing new on the job front yet. Scott's just plugging along, interviewing and searching out new opportunities. We did find out that he has one official offer which is good news. He would ideally like to be done with this whole process by the end of November, but we're prepared to go through December as well. I really really want it to be over by January though, so I guess we just need to cross our fingers and say a prayer that he gets a great job that he loves. Anyway, I thought I'd share a few pictures from trick or treating last night. :) I'll post these up on the website as well.


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