growing up mastbrook

Friday, July 10, 2009

And then there were three

So if you haven't guessed, Andrew is finally here. Well, he arrived about 5 months ago but who's keeping score? He has been such a joy in our family. He is always in a good mood unless he needs something or something is wrong such as a growth spurt or a tooth (which I think the first one is about to come in as we speak). His smile is infectious and he loves to stick his tongue out whenever he gives you one. He's not sitting up yet, but I'm guessing it will come in the next month or two. Three boys, who would have thunk it? :)

Summer is going better than I expected. I had thought we would be bored and hot, but that's not the case at all. The weather's been decent, compared to Dallas anyway, and we've been busy with playgroups, swim lessons, and various trips and visits to see friends and family and vice versa. For Memorial Day weekend we took a trip up to the mountains with my parents and had a great time. We visited Gatlinburg, went to the nature center in Asheville, and visited the arboretum. The kids loved the aquarium; especially the touch tank and the sharks! A few weeks later we headed out on a 10 day excursion to Delaware where we spent 5 days with my friend Camilla and 5 days with Scott's parents at their new home in Delaware. It was just the boys and me and I thought it might be a bit overwhelming, but the drive wasn't as bad as I thought and the days with friends and family were wonderful! We visited the potato chip factory, went to a pick your own farm and spent time at a playdate while with camilla. Grandma and grandpa's house entailed a trip to the beach and lots of playtime at the new home. The lakehouse is wonderful; the fishing and the yard took the top spots for favorite things to do. I also enjoyed nightly walks sans kids to get a little fresh air. Next week were expecting Camilla and the kids to visit for a week of fun in Charlotte and then back up to Delaware in August for some more fun with the grandparents; this time with Scott. It's definitely been a fun summer so far!


Andrew is four months old now. I still can't figure out who he's going to look like. I'm leaning towards Nicholas but I'm sure it will change as he gets bigger. He loves to ride in the carrier and falls to sleep easily in the evenings. We've officially transitioned to the crib and it's been good all around. He gets up twice in the night around 1 and 5. I'm looking forward to him sleeping through the night but am happy with where we're at for now. Andrew loves his thumb, being tickled and being held. His first tooth is coming in and he's been grumpy lately because of it.


Alex is every bit of three right now. We are still working on the potty training; some days are better than others. He's got the front end down pretty well as long as you remind him or he's nude, but the back end still needs a little work. I'm hoping that he'll figure it out in time for preschool in the fall. We tried to put the boys together in the same room for sleeping but they play more than they sleep so now Alex is sleeping in the sewing room until further notice. Alex is an eater. He loves to help me cook dinner at night and will put just about anything into his mouth while I'm cooking. He's eaten handfuls of raw spinach, carrots, peppers, and even tried to eat a raw egg the other day which I had to stop him from doing. I hope that he keeps his love of food as he grows up. I love how good of friends the boys have become. Alex and Nicholas do everything together. They really do enjoy one another's company.


I can't believe that Nicholas is already five years old! he will be heading to kindergarten in the fall and I'm anxious, nervous, and excited all in one! I think the biggest challenge for him will be getting up early enough to not be late to school. The tardy bell rings at 7:30! Nick is a pretty late sleeper so I'm sure it will be an adjustment. Other than that he is a happy smart five year old. He is very competitive with his brother and likes to take charge. He loves to build things and figure out how things work best.

We have recently gotten a bird feeder and a hummingbird feeder and the boys have really enjoyed watching the birds eat from them and learning what type of birds are in our neighborhood.

Time to sign off... swim lessons beckon!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Contest to win carriers!

I just entered a contest to win an essential babywearing collection! If you'd like to enter as well, feel free to click the link below and try your luck. :)

Win the Essential Babywearing Stash from Along for the Ride (one Beco Butterfly, one Hotsling baby pouch, one BabyHawk Mei Tai, one Zolowear Ring Sling, and one Gypsy Mama Wrap)

Summer is moving slowly but surely here. Nick had a parade that he marched in today at summer school. He made his own fourth of July shirt and it was so cute. I'll have to take a picture of it later this week and add it to the blog. He has started swimming lessons and seems to be enjoying it as well. Alex is finally starting to talk a bit more and has many more words although most of them are still fairly difficult to understand. For the fourth we're planning to head to Fossil Rim and visit the wild animals. I'm hoping the boys will have a blast!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Is it time for school to start back up yet?

So here we are on day two of summer break and I am already ready for school to be back in session. Today consisted of a toy room in complete disarray, a tub full of everything except water (think books, makeup, shampoo, toys...), a kitchen that looked like a tornado blew through, half a bottle of shampoo on the carpet (rubbed in for good measure) and a half a tube of blue toothpaste rubbed into large areas of the upstairs carpet in addition to Alex's hair and mouth. *sigh* I'm just glad the day is about over. It's 5:15 and I'm finally sitting still long enough to write this before I have to get back off and start cooking dinner. The day never ends.

Needless to say, after all the events of today, I immediately went on a manhunt to find every vacation bible school and summer school available and I think we are just about filled up for the summer now starting next week. That in itself makes the pastures look a whole lot greener for the upcoming weeks. ;)

Here's a picture to share of Alex after his toothpaste debacle today:

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Nicholas turns 4

So today Nicholas officially turned 4! Where does the time go? It feels like only yesterday he entered into our world. He's such a bright, caring, intelligent, caring young boy and I feel blessed to be able to be his mom. His party was on Saturday and we went to Sandy Lake Amusement Park. Nicholas rode pretty much every ride there and then asked for more! It's such a neat little park, I'm sure we'll be going back there again soon. Keep checking in for pictures, I should be getting them up soon!

Alex is really starting to get a personality as he matures into his second year. He's definitely perfected the art of the word "NO". Everything these days is no, even if he means yes. As frustrating as it can be, he's so stinkin' cute it just doesn't matter. :)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hello again!

So, I figured it was time to get back on and blog a bit since big things have been happening at the Mastbrook house. First off, Alex is finally walking! We were beginning to think it would never happen, but around 16 months, he took his first few steps and by a little after 17 months he's pretty much given up crawling for good. It's amazing how fast they grow up! He's really developing his personality and can say a few words and uses a few signs as well. We definitely think that he will have some form of blonde hair if it ever starts really growing!

Next up, Nicholas. As of last Sunday, the 22nd, Nicholas is potty trained! Ok, well half potty trained. He's figured out the pee part, which is half the battle. We're still working on number two, but I'm hoping to get that taught before school starts in September. I'll take the progress that we've made any day though! It's so nice to have one out of diapers! Nicholas is also taking swim lessons this summer and is doing really well. He actually went underwater for 8 seconds today! I'm hoping his newfound skills will come in handy at the beach next month!

I have been busy with a new endeavour that I'm taking on with a friend making baby carriers. We finally finished developing our prototype and are passing it out to testers as of next week. We have high hopes for this business and can't wait for it to get moving! We hope to go live around Mid September if all goes well.

Scott is doing great at his job. He learns a bit more every day and loves the challenge of his work. We just love that he comes home every night and has time to spend with us in the evenings and on the weekends!

We recently made a trip to Minnesota to visit my brother and his fiance and to give the kids a chance to meet their great grandma. I'm really glad we had the opportunity to let the kids meet her while there was still time. Our trip was wonderful and we have a picture to remember it for posterity's sake. :) (See picture above)

All in all everyone is doing well. I hope this update finds everyone doing good as well and we're looking forward to seeing the grandparents next month!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Here I am!

I know I've been MIA for a few months now. Things have been crazy! I've been taking a writing class that has kept me very busy as well as doing some part time work for my aunt.

The boys are doing great. Alex is still not walking, but he's starting to threaten. He loves to stand up from a sitting position. He just smiles and looks so proud of himself every time he does it. He, like Nicholas at that age, has all his teeth now. Nicholas is growing like a weed. We're getting ready for his 3rd birthday party. He'll be celebrating at Science Place this year - we're looking forward to being scientists! Nick will be starting preschool in the fall three days a week. Both boys will be taking swim lessons this summer.

Not too much else to report. We're looking forward to seeing everyone this summer!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Alex is a year!

I don't know where the time goes. Alex just had his one year birthday and I feel like just yesterday he was born. Just like his brother he has all his teeth as well. I was thinking he might not get the last one, but the day before his birthday it poked through. I had predicted he'd walk by now as well, but I guess I was a bit off. No walking yet, but I feel like it's on the horizon. He loves to stand and has started to do some cruising on furniture, although I wouldn't exactly say he's skilled at it yet. :) We also have finally gotten him to sleep through the night, much to my relief.

Scott's in week three of his job now and really enjoying it as am I. It's so nice to have him home at night now! Even if he doesn't always make it home for dinner, he's home in time to catch up with me before bed and talk or watch a show. I really feel like this is going to have a positive affect on our family to have him here more. He's really enjoying the work as well. It's very challenging and he has a lot of potential for growth - perfect for him. :)

We've decided that we're heading to Disney World for Thanksgiving this year. Everyone's excited but I think Nicholas is particularly excited to ride the rides and meet some of his favorite characters. He saw a picture of lightening McQueen there an now he's completely sold. lol

Nicholas is doing Soccertots again and loves it. We're still on the hunt for a school for him as well. We're hoping to get him into St. Ann's, but we're not sure if he'll get a spot or not, so we're looking at St. Phillips as well as a few other christian but non-catholic schools.

Alex is a year!

I don't know where the time goes. Alex just had his one year birthday and I feel like just yesterday he was born. Just like his brother he has all his teeth as well. I was thinking he might not get the last one, but the day before his birthday it poked through. I had predicted he'd walk by now as well, but I guess I was a bit off. No walking yet, but I feel like it's on the horizon. He loves to stand and has started to do some cruising on furniture, although I wouldn't exactly say he's skilled at it yet. :) We also have finally gotten him to sleep through the night, much to my relief.

Scott's in week three of his job now and really enjoying it as am I. It's so nice to have him home at night now! Even if he doesn't always make it home for dinner, he's home in time to catch up with me before bed and talk or watch a show. I really feel like this is going to have a positive affect on our family to have him here more. He's really enjoying the work as well. It's very challenging and he has a lot of potential for growth - perfect for him. :)

We've decided that we're heading to Disney World for Thanksgiving this year. Everyone's excited but I think Nicholas is particularly excited to ride the rides and meet some of his favorite characters. He saw a picture of lightening McQueen there an now he's completely sold. lol

Nicholas is doing Soccertots again and loves it. We're still on the hunt for a school for him as well. We're hoping to get him into St. Ann's, but we're not sure if he'll get a spot or not, so we're looking at St. Phillips as well as a few other christian but non-catholic schools.